=== WP Mail SMTP === Contributors: chmac Donate link: http://www.callum-macdonald.com/code/donate/ Tags: mail, smtp, wp_mail, mailer, phpmailer Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 4.4.2 Stable tag: 0.9.6 Reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page to manage the settings. == Description == This plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page that allows you to specify various options. You can set the following options: * Specify the from name and email address for outgoing email. * Choose to send mail by SMTP or PHP's mail() function. * Specify an SMTP host (defaults to localhost). * Specify an SMTP port (defaults to 25). * Choose SSL / TLS encryption (not the same as STARTTLS). * Choose to use SMTP authentication or not (defaults to not). * Specify an SMTP username and password. == Installation == 1. Download 2. Upload to your `/wp-contents/plugins/` directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. == Frequently Asked Questions == = My plugin still sends mail via the mail() function = If other plugins you're using are not coded to use the wp_mail() function but instead call PHP's mail() function directly, they will bypass the settings of this plugin. Normally, you can edit the other plugins and simply replace the `mail(` calls with `wp_mail(` (just adding wp_ in front) and this will work. I've tested this on a couple of plugins and it works, but it may not work on all plugins. = Will this plugin work with WordPress versions less than 2.7? = No. WordPress 2.7 changed the way options were updated, so the options page will only work on 2.7 or later. = Can I use this plugin to send email via Gmail / Google Apps = Yes. Use these settings: Mailer: SMTP SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com SMTP Port: 465 Encryption: SSL Authentication: Yes Username: your full gmail address Password: your mail password = Can you add feature x, y or z to the plugin? = Short answer: maybe. By all means please contact me to discuss features or options you'd like to see added to the plugin. I can't guarantee to add all of them, but I will consider all sensible requests. I can be contacted here: == Screenshots == 1. Screenshot of the Options > Email panel. == Changelog == = 0.9.6 = * Minor security fix, sanitize test email address. = 0.9.5 = * Minor security fix, hat tip JD Grimes. = 0.9.4 = * Improvement to the test email function, very low priority update. = 0.9.3 = * Fixing reported issue with passing by reference. props Adam Conway = 0.9.2 = * Removing the deprecation notice. = 0.9.1 = * $phpmailer->language became protected in WP 3.2, no longer unset on debug output. = 0.9.0 = * Typo in the From email description. * Removed changelog from plugin file, no need to duplicate it. * Optionally set $phpmailer->Sender from from email, helps with sendmail / mail(). = 0.8.7 = * Fix for a long standing bug that caused an error during plugin activation. = 0.8.6 = * The Settings link really does work this time, promise. Apologies for the unnecessary updates. = 0.8.5 = * Bugfix, the settings link on the Plugin page was broken by 0.8.4. = 0.8.4 = * Minor bugfix, remove use of esc_html() to improve backwards compatibility. * Removed second options page menu props ovidiu. = 0.8.3 = * Bugfix, return WPMS_MAIL_FROM_NAME, props nacin. * Add Settings link, props Mike Challis http://profiles.wordpress.org/MikeChallis/ = 0.8.2 = * Bugfix, call phpmailer_init_smtp() correctly, props Sinklar. = 0.8.1 = * Internationalisation improvements. = 0.8 = * Added port, SSL/TLS, option whitelisting, validate_email(), and constant options. = 0.7 = * Added checks to only override the default from name / email = 0.6 = * Added additional SMTP debugging output = 0.5.2 = * Fixed a pre 2.3 bug to do with mail from = 0.5.1 = * Added a check to display a warning on versions prior to 2.3 = 0.5.0 = * Upgraded to match 2.3 filters which add a second filter for from name = 0.4.2 = * Fixed a bug in 0.4.1 and added more debugging output = 0.4.1 = * Added $phpmailer->ErroInfo to the test mail output = 0.4 = * Added the test email feature and cleaned up some other bits and pieces = 0.3.2 = * Changed to use register_activation_hook for greater compatability = 0.3.1 = * Added readme for WP-Plugins.org compatability = 0.3 = * Various bugfixes and added From options = 0.2 = * Reworked approach as suggested by westi, added options page = 0.1 = * Initial approach, copying the wp_mail function and replacing it == Upgrade Notice == = 0.9.6 = Minor security fix, sanitize test email address. = 0.9.5 = Minor security fix, hat tip JD Grimes. = 0.9.4 = Improvement to the test email function, very low priority update. = 0.9.3 = Fixing reported issue with passing by reference. = 0.9.2 = Removing the deprecation notice. = 0.9.1 = Test mail functionality was broken on upgrade to 3.2, now restored. = 0.9.0 = Low priority upgrade. Improves the appearance of the options page. = 0.8.7 = Very low priority update. Fixes a bug that causes a spurious error during activation. = 0.8.6 = Low priority update. The Settings link was still broken in 0.8.5. = 0.8.5 = Minor bugfix correcting the Settings link bug introduced in 0.8.4. Very low priority update. = 0.8.4 = Minor bugfix for users using constants. Another very low priority upgrade. Apologies for the version creep. = 0.8.3 = Minor bugfix for users using constants. Very low priority upgrade.